Difference between brand design kit & brand guideline

Brand Kit and Brand guidelines both are essential aspects of Branding. These two support the process of branding powerfully by assisting in the display of a unique brand identity. 


Brand Kit

The brand kit works as a torchbearer in the creation of the visual identity of the brand. As Brand kit is an asset of your brand which gives a face to your business/ company. So it contains all the resources which you need to build your visual identity in ONE PLACE. It includes

  1. Brand primary logo
  2. Secondary logo or submark logo
  3. Colors
  4. Fonts/ typeface
  5. Brand elements or graphics
  6. Brand Imagery (if there is any particular type of treatment you want to give to all the images used in your brand. For eg, you plan only Monotone images as your identity or your imagery will  always be focusing on real emotions/ portraits)
  7. Brand pattern (if any)

The visual identity is created by effective use of logo, color palette, typeface and design element and these all collectively make a brand kit. Alpng with this brand kits can also be shared with people interested in contributing to the process of branding. And the brand kit creates the bridge to communicate brand’s peculiarity to customers.  So every company irrespective of their scale, uses “brand kit” to maintain uniformity and ease effective communication to the target audience. And helps in increasing the recall value of a business/company. Brand attributes should also not be neglected and the aura of the brand must include traits of an effective personality.

Brand kit helps in?

The brand kit also helps in maintaining the standard of the logo. Inspite brand on multiple occasions has to collaborate with an event or an organization, which is the reason the shared brand kit must include primary logo and secondary logo and available in different formats and high-quality pixels. Because every second of market presence affects the trust and connection of customers with the brand.

What does Brand visuals narrate?

Hence, a brand can’t be ill-managed even for a while. Visual attributes and color profiles are essential parts of a brand kit because they narrate the emotions, mood and message of a certain brand.These are usually decided in the interests of the audience/customers. Every brand has its identity and identity is created by traits. Brand kit sums up the process of a brand’s physical market presence.

Brand kit in simple words.

Basically, it is like a kit you get in a board game consisting of everything you need to play the game and  here it is a set of all the elements you need to play a game of consistent visual identity and gaining more trust of consumers.


Brand guideline

Now, a brand guideline is like a manual on how, when and where to use these assets. It not only focuses on the visual identity but also gives a direction on how to address your consumers. 

Just like every individual is different and their reaction or expression will be different from others because of their unique personality. Just like people, your brand also needs a unique voice to express their message and purpose.

How brand kit keeps the brand active?

The world must know about your brand but that too should be done in a certain way. Brand guidelines present the rules and standards that spell out the way a brand should be represented. It can be called a “holy book” of every brand. The company follows the rules mentioned in the guide in all of the activities. A brand can’t be prisoned in a cage because the brand is created to announce to the world about your services. And when the world gets on board then the uniformity factor turns vital.

Different brand kits?

All the people working for the brand must convey the same idea, emotion, vibe and value to make it possible. The company must provide them with a set of rules that should be followed. If a brand will change its display then the customers may feel uncomfortable and confused in availing the service of that particular brand. The company must know completely to create brand guidelines. Only people aware of the roots of the brand can present simple and effective guidelines.

What does rules do?

These rules should guarantee the powerful presence of the brand. Guidelines are not just about the visual effects, they should narrate the missions and values of the brand. Brands should always present the same idea and the presence of their services should never contradict the idea. For example, if an Environment-friendly brand collaborates or sponsors something related to afforestation then the value of the brand will degrade and customers will lose faith in the brand which will affect the retail chain in the market guidelines. 

Branding Guidelines are usually offered in book format to share different elements of the brand with co-workers. Two Brands carry the same difference in what fingerprints have, hence the uniqueness must be maintained in the market. Brand guidelines eradicate the confusion from the mind of customers and help the brand flourish. Brand guidelines are a necessary part of any brand that plans to reach out to people and grow. These guidelines help in maintaining the desired standard of the brand. 


So “Brand kit” and “Brand Guidelines” are branches of the same tree known as Branding. Both of them make the process possible and ace the fame of the brand. Brand kit makes the desired picture into a reality and Brand guidelines help in knowing how thus the process should take place and how thus the identity will never be lost even when merged with different forms of creativity. Both aspects of the branding should opt perfectly to use the potential of powerful branding. Connect with “Simran Anand Designs” if your brand seeks the magic of brand kit and safeguard of brand guidelines. We love to assist brands and gift the world things which will be tagged as “NEXT BIG BRANDS OF THE WORLD”


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